Who inspires you? One of my biggest influencers are my Mum and Dad.

I wanted to share this story as we approach Father’s Day on Sunday 16th June. I’ve been asked in the past who inspires you and influences you. I’m going to be honest, I don’t have many influencers and I don’t really follow the crowd. I follow my gut instinct and do what feels right for me.

The one influencer I wanted to talk to you about are my parents Kath and Ian. They are my biggest cheerleaders and supporters. My parents lifestyle has always inspired me, their influence has shaped and positively impacted my life. From their values and love to travel & explore, their ability to change, family experiences, personality, and more. They’ve supported me unconditionally and I wouldn’t be where I am today in life or business.

Their choices and life decisions have allowed me to be brave and follow my dreams. The opportunities to travel at a young age have given me the life long bug for freedom of travel. 

If you’ve followed our story over the years you’ll know I established SHUI 8 years ago. The business was newly formed after I had my son Alfie. My parents moved back from Spain to be closer to their grandson. Their support continued when they dedicated their time, energy and love to help me set up the business and look after Alfie.


What was initially set up as a side hustle soon expanded into a full time business in March 2018 when we moved into the newly renovated chapel which my parents bought at auction. Over a 15 month period dad sympathetically & lovingly restored the building into the beautiful space we now run our creative upholstery workshops from.

Witnessing my dad’s dedication and determination has definitely shaped my character, I’d be described as tenacious, resilient, conscientious and self disciplined. Along with being entrepreneurial, visionary and energetic.   

The shape of the business has changed over the past few years as we moved away from furniture design and upholstery. To where we are today running experiential upholstery workshops for business team building events and for individuals wanting to learn upholstery & interior design skills. 

Although these planned changes have allowed dad to step back and enjoy retirement, he is still there at the drop of a hat to help with anything in the business. From installing new equipment which has allowed the business to grow, to building furniture frames for workshops, making teas at networking events their support is unwavering. 

A big thank you to mum and dad, for your unconditional love and support and for being my biggest cheerleader.  Whoever you take your influence from, remember that it’s personal to you, and everyone may be inspired by something different. I hope you find your inspiration and influences which positively impact your life.

Who inspires you? One of my biggest influencers are my Mum and Dad.

I wanted to share this story as we approach Father’s Day on Sunday 16th June. I’ve been asked in the past who inspires you and influences you. I’m going to be honest, I don’t have many influencers and I don’t really follow the crowd. I follow my gut instinct and do what feels right for me.

The one influencer I wanted to talk to you about are my parents Kath and Ian. They are my biggest cheerleaders and supporters. My parents lifestyle has always inspired me, their influence has shaped and positively impacted my life. From their values and love to travel & explore, their ability to change, family experiences, personality, and more. They’ve supported me unconditionally and I wouldn’t be where I am today in life or business.

Their choices and life decisions have allowed me to be brave and follow my dreams. The opportunities to travel at a young age have given me the life long bug for freedom of travel. 

If you’ve followed our story over the years you’ll know I established SHUI 8 years ago. The business was newly formed after I had my son Alfie. My parents moved back from Spain to be closer to their grandson. Their support continued when they dedicated their time, energy and love to help me set up the business and look after Alfie.


What was initially set up as a side hustle soon expanded into a full time business in March 2018 when we moved into the newly renovated chapel which my parents bought at auction. Over a 15 month period dad sympathetically & lovingly restored the building into the beautiful space we now run our creative upholstery workshops from.

Witnessing my dad’s dedication and determination has definitely shaped my character, I’d be described as tenacious, resilient, conscientious and self disciplined. Along with being entrepreneurial, visionary and energetic.  

The shape of the business has changed over the past few years as we moved away from furniture design and upholstery. To where we are today running experiential upholstery workshops for business team building events and for individuals wanting to learn upholstery & interior design skills. 

Although these planned changes have allowed dad to step back and enjoy retirement, he is still there at the drop of a hat to help with anything in the business. From installing new equipment which has allowed the business to grow, to building furniture frames for workshops, making teas at networking events their support is unwavering. 

A big thank you to mum and dad, for your unconditional love and support and for being my biggest cheerleader.  Whoever you take your influence from, remember that it’s personal to you, and everyone may be inspired by something different. I hope you find your inspiration and influences which positively impact your life.

© Semper Hopkins Upholstery & Interiors Ltd. | Registered office: 95 Cinderhill Lane, Scholar Green, Stoke-on-trent, Cheshire, ST7 3HR | Company number: 10256862
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