January News from the Workshop

How has the first month of 2022 gone for you? It feels like Christmas is an age ago now and the past month has flown by!  January is usually the month I use to plan exciting things for the year ahead. I’ve been busy doing that as well as spinning several other plates! Here’s some of the highlights of what we’ve been up to;

Brand Shoot – Taking the opportunity to get some new and updated pictures of our beautiful workshop by the lovely Aga Mortlock photography…

I absolutely loved our brand shoot with Aga Mortlock photography. It is always quite difficult to get natural, good quality photographs of our Upholstery workshops in progress- and they never look as good as the professionals! I was getting a little tired of the typical social media selfies, not showing off our lovely chapel the way we should! Aga completely understood our direction, and we had a great pre shoot meeting to get the most out of the day together! The photographs came out even better than expected and we are so thrilled- take a look for yourself…

Featuring in Cheshire Living.

It was such a different, yet enjoyable experience being a model in a charity fundraiser event in December. Even more unexpected to see my picture pop up in January’s edition of Cheshire Living magazine. Not only was the day super fun for all of us to step out of our comfort zone, but it was for a great cause. It was so refreshing to connect with all different business women from around Cheshire and meeting new faces- especially as it has felt like it’s something we haven’t been able to do for a while!

Going Live on Radio BBC Radio Stoke to share our story…..

Semper Hopkins got air time on BBC Radio Stoke in January! It was such a privilege to be asked to feature and share our story. Being on live radio was a bit nerve wracking leading up to the day, but once I got myself in the right mindset, I didn’t let myself over think it and really enjoyed the experience. Discussing something that you are really passionate about can leave you feeling a sense of pride and I am very thankful I got to share Semper Hopkin’s Story with listeners.

Planning new workshop events and exciting projects

We really enjoy running our Upholstery Workshops. We have been busy planning the next phase of workshops with a new course launching for Mother’s Day which we can’t wait to host. The workshop will be the perfect opportunity for Mother and daughter/son to spend the day together. Read more about our Mother’s Day workshop here.

We have also got another new exciting project lined up where we are working with one of our favourite local pubs, the Brownlow Inn… stay tuned for that!

But apart from the business, what have I been getting up to personally??

January hasn’t just been a month of business plans. I have had a great social month with friends and family. Myself, Dave and Alfie really enjoyed Monster Jam at Liverpool Arena earlier in January – it was so nice to do something a little different with the family and I would highly recommend it for anyone has an adrenaline enthusiast in the family!

My friend and I then went to Strictly Come Dancing live in Manchester Arena… and wow! What a great experience it was. The dancers and celebrities were so talented and the atmosphere was great throughout…

I hope you have enjoyed reading what I have been up to this month! A fulfilling start to the new year and many more plans to be revealed soon!

© Semper Hopkins Upholstery & Interiors Ltd. | Registered office: 95 Cinderhill Lane, Scholar Green, Stoke-on-trent, Cheshire, ST7 3HR | Company number: 10256862
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