February News from the workshop – Living the life you dream of, I am.

I’ve been sharing personal stories in my blog to inspire some readers out there. To let you know that it is possible to live the life you dream of, anything is possible but you are the one that has to  make things happen and take action. No one else is going to do it for you.

What do I mean when I say living the life that I dream of…the life that you visualise and how you see a perfect day.

In January 2021, I completed a vision workshop with Michala Leyland from Wood for the Trees Coaching . She taught me how to visualise a perfect day, visualise what I want to achieve in my personal life and future regarding Semper Hopkins Upholstery & Interiors and how I can balance my time and achieve my dreams without burning out! Michala has helped change my perspective on how to use my time wisely and it is something I am so glad I have done! 2022 was the year I focused on myself more and my family more so we can live the life we dream of. It worked and I have carried this on into 2023.

I didn’t start the year thinking I needed loads of new year resolutions I carried on from where I had left off in 2022 and it has been revolutionary. I haven’t found it difficult to get motivated to get through the bleak months of January and February. I have loved the start of the year, Have you? Find out what I’ve been up to this month in business and life;

On Your Radio Solihull with Naomi and Martin

If you’d asked me a couple of years ago whether I would have ever gone on the radio I would have said no, I would have been a nervous wreck. Now I’m asking to go on the radio. So on Wednesday 7th February I met Naomi and Martin in person at the studio in Solihull. It’s the 2nd time I’ve been on the show but it was so lovely to catch up with them in person and experience the live studio rather than over zoom. We were catching up and sharing my impsiring story and the launch of the book Seen Too. You can listen to the full show here.

Creative Connecting in Cheshire – Networking at the chapel

On Friday 10th we hosted our first networking event of 2023 in collaboration with Sue France CCC. It was the first event we actually hosted without Sue present, but she did share a personal welcome video to everyone which they loved.  Sian Pelleschi, President of APDO and Director of ItsSorted was guest speaker. She gave us some expert advice about decluttering and lots of people took tips away and put them into action. Deborah Bowyer Regional Director from Nub News joined us and later wrote an article which covered the highlight of the event. You can read the article here. The next event is Friday 19th May. We have a few tickets left on sale. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/543705667287

We held our first evening upholstery workshop

At the beginning of February I was joined by Morag, and mum and daughter Judith & Tara. Judith’s mum had been an upholsterer and she had memories as a child watching her mum work. She wanted to learn upholstery so that she can eventually restore her mum’s old chair. She started her upholstery  journey by learning how to make a deep buttoned footstool. It’s lovely for me to be able to watch the joy people get from created. Everyone was so proud of their creation. They wrote a personal message in the frame that one day may be found by another member of their family.

They were making more than just a peice of furniture. They were making a memory, making something that will last, They were making something worth keeping and maybe one day may need restoring, they were making a legacy. If you would like to join us for a future workshop check out our event here

Half term hols London and Legoland

We never take the February half term off but we do like to squeeze in a break away and a day trip or two. So this year we planned to visit our friend in Surrey. We had a lovely trip into London, doing a walking tour of the key sites and there were a few play areas thrown in to keep the kids happy.  We visited the charming village of Shere which is where the festive film The Holiday was set, the kids enjoyed building a dam in the river and we even found a crayfish. Monday we visited Legoland Windsor before heading home. We were all mesmirised by the mini world cities. We spotted loads of places where we have visited and found a few new places that we would love to visit.

How has February been for you? It was a fun and busy one for us with more planned for March and beyond. If you would like to be the first to hear about our news, events and more signup to our mailing list here.

© Semper Hopkins Upholstery & Interiors Ltd. | Registered office: 95 Cinderhill Lane, Scholar Green, Stoke-on-trent, Cheshire, ST7 3HR | Company number: 10256862
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