Entries by Emma Semper Hopkins


2022 The year of doing the things I love, and the year I turn 40….

Where has 2022 gone? We are already at the end of March. This year marks a big milestone birthday for me. I turn 40 on the 21st April, very luck to share the same birthday as the Queen. At the beginning of the year I had considered writing up 40 things I wanted to do when I turn 40, but that seemed like a daunting task to think of 40 things and it takes precious time, so here I am just going along with it and doing it. My motto for 2022 was to do more things that make me happy, and doing less planning is one of them!

International day of happiness – do more things that make you happy!

International Day of Happiness is on 20th March 2022 and takes place across the UN and its focus is build back happier and make peoples wellbeing a top priority. As we will all know, with how things have been the last two years, this day of happiness might not have always been the ‘happiest’. It was much harder to do things which made us happy last year with the UK being in lockdown, not being able to see those we love and not being able to do day to day activities we once, perhaps, took for granted!


Struggling for fabric inspiration for your dining chair makeover?

Choosing a fabric to upholster your dining chairs in can be a difficult decision, especially with so many options to choose from. Not only do we help our clients with the design process of the upholstery, but also mainly with fabric choices. We know that durability and practicality can also be major decision contributors when considering fabrics- not just appearance.


There’s a reason why we need your dining table furniture order in by September

With our furniture being bespoke and handmade, the creating process takes slightly longer than if you buy from the high street.  

There are many processes which our tables go through before being delivered to your door, and we want to make sure you avoid any disappointment and have your dining table with you by the festive period. 

Christmas is only around the corner so why not get in touch and make sure you have the perfect family dining table to celebrate around after a not so normal Christmas last year! 

© Semper Hopkins Upholstery & Interiors Ltd. | Registered office: 95 Cinderhill Lane, Scholar Green, Stoke-on-trent, Cheshire, ST7 3HR | Company number: 10256862
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