
Sharing my inspirational story with Naomi & Martin Onyourradio.co.uk

I caught up with Naomi Jordan and Martin Pemberton today onyourradio it was an amazing experience to finally meet them in person and be on radio in the studio. I was buzzing with energy after the show was finished, they put me right at ease and it was a lovely afternoon.

I shared my news and story with them both. We dived into conversation about how differently my life looks now since I started saying YES to things that previously scared me?

Hear about how learning about yourself, the importance of self care, facing your fears and not being afraid of what could happen can lead you to the life that you want.

We also covered the experience of being involved in the collborative book ‘Seen Too’: Where I along with fourteen other heart-centred women share their story of how they stepped into their passion, purpose and power. You can still order your copy here – all proceeds go to a mental health charity


Thank you again Naomi and Martin for inviting me to come onto the show. You can listen to the show here or LISTEN LATER on Spotify, Google or our website https://onyourradio.co.uk/listen-again/

Naomi and Martin are relationship coaches at Just1to11it , they support couples and teach strong communication skills to lessen theconflict and deepen the intimacy in your relationship for you to thrive as an individual and together to lead a happier life.” Check them out here

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